Saturday 23 August 2008

EveryDay Matters Challenge #185 - Draw a Cat

I've never had a cat and generally I'm not too fond of them, being a bird lover. One of my pet peeves is neighbourhood cats coming into our garden and lying in wait for the birds at our feeders. So far there haven't been any murders (that I know of), but anytime I see a cat in the garden I chase it away if I can. I guess it's too much to hope that they'll learn they're not welcome here!

I don't hate cats, really. Sometimes they can be pretty, or cute. I remember my grandmother's Burmese cats and how I was fascinated by them as a child. They were very aloof if they didn't know you, but I thought they were beautiful and mysterious.

This pencil drawing is based on a lovely Flickr photo by duluoz_cats.


Anonymous said...

Lovely drawing. Much more than just a that about it.


kazumiwannabe said...

This is very nice! Love the setting and the lovely little cat, very neat!

Stephanie said...

what a great drawing. you handled the shadows and highlights so nicely.

Leigh said...

Sarah, I tried to find your email to thank you for your comment on my blog. Just wanted to let you know that the lady bugs are on a quest for about a week. I love your cat and other drawings!

Ann said...

This is really nice. Love the light and shadow - it's just right.

Lynn said...

Well done! I really like the composition of the drawing.

Sandy said...

Terrific cat, I like the perch in the window and black and white approach - very nice.

Timaree said...

Great cat picture. I didn't think to turn the challenges into pictures. A good idea though. So far, I've simply drawn the object (hmm, except for once when I drew more than a lamp).